February 16, 2023 (CST)
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Type
Complex back-office processes are common for RTO market participants, who oftentimes must navigate multiple (critical) workflows to validate and pay various weekly and monthly settlement invoices. These include:
- Daily market settlement statements and weekly invoices received from RTOs
- Monthly transmission settlement statements and invoices received from RTOs
- Monthly settlement statements and invoices received from counterparties for bilateral transactions
- Monthly transmission settlement statements and invoices from transmission service providers (TSPs) for reservations to support bilateral trades
- Monthly settlement statements and invoices received for power purchase agreements with renewable energy (wind, solar, battery) suppliers
Webinar Focus
- PCI will review back-office workflows for RTO participants necessary to validate meter data and perform e-Tag checkout, while also validating market, transmission, bilateral, and contract settlements
- PCI product and market experts will use actual case examples to demonstrate how our Enterprise Platform is used by dozens of participants in all U.S. energy markets to automate back-office workflows