October 20, 2022 (CDT)
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Type
The SPP WEIS market has been a big success since its launch in February 2021 and now has seven market participants. Note that:
- Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) recently joined WEIS in August 2022.
- Three additional Colorado utilities plan market entry by April 2023.
PCI’s webinar will review several crucial aspects that will help you more successfully participate in the WEIS. They include:
- Lessons learned from operating asset portfolios in WEIS
- Best practices and workflow optimizations that maximize benefits from the WEIS market. Workflows to be reviewed:
– Portfolio optimization
– RT bidding
– Shadow settlements
– Profit & Loss analysis - PCI experts will cover key initiatives in the evolving SPP and CAISO markets, as well as the overall trends in Western power markets.